
It is important to us to promote the participation of all people in our society, in culture and in the workplace. There are various reasons why participation in the above sense is not or not fully possible: people are already old and need barrier-free access to educational opportunities, there may be language barriers, or people may have to live on a very small pension after retiring from active working life. European funding can help to enable everyone to participate in our educational opportunities. 


People in Germany may be physically safe after escaping from their homeland, but integration is a long journey. Language barriers, racist prejudice when looking for a job, communication obstacles and financial difficulties make it difficult to participate fully, despite all good intentions. This is where our support comes in. You have a good education, maybe even a degree, but you still can't find a job. Together we will look into the many possible reasons for this. You share your efforts with others. We will take part in job interviews, provide video feedback for an application in a role play, and explain strategic communication – until the longed-for employment contract is finally in the bag. 

Joint excursions 

For many refugees, coping with the obstacles of everyday life in their new – sometimes only temporary – home is the main focus. They have little knowledge and even less real opportunities to experience the country and its people, where the traumatic experiences of fleeing, expulsion and war can be completely forgotten, even for a few hours. That is why we organise trips and excursions into nature, into the mountains and also to cultural events. Together we enjoy the beauty of our surroundings.  


To make it easier to find a job, we accompany people with disabilities to job fairs and try to create a possible stepping stone to financial independence through our diverse, tolerant and open network contacts. Because this is the great wish of all people with disadvantages – whether social, economic or linguistic: genuine participation in society. And that stands and falls with a good job that gives satisfaction and matches one's training and abilities.


Finally, an escape from shared accommodation. Finally, being able to take responsibility for your own four walls. Finally, being able to sleep peacefully, undisturbed by the noise in a reception centre. But Landlords are often unwilling to rent to people with a migration background, even if they don't admit it openly.. Of course, the housing market is tight. Excuses can always be found. We help by renting living space as the main tenant and then subletting it to disadvantaged people. Best experiences! 


The integration and participation of older adults in educational opportunities is important to us. Many seniors want to use digital tools or devices but feel insecure and overwhelmed. Communication, for example with authorities, becomes an insurmountable hurdle without support. We provide assistance—mainly on an individual basis—because we believe learning at any age is valuable. However, learning must give the learner the confidence that they can competently acquire new skills and later use the tools and devices independently.