curriculum vitae (engl.)

Marital status 

married, 2 children, David, 16.9.1997, Niklas, 5.4.2002


Education and study

First and second state examination for teaching at primary / secondary schools, major subject  English,Ludwig Maximilian University Munich

First and second State Examination Counseling / School Psychology, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich


Additional training / qualifications

NLP, person-oriented discussion and psychotherapy

English, 1st and 2nd State Exams, Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency, French (3 years)

Training and moderation in adult education




Professional background

1986 - 1993: primary school teacher / school youth counselor city of Munich

1993 - 1997: Pedagogical and business consulting in field service for franchise partners STUDIENKREIS "-Nachhilfe, working in Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Austria, Switzerland

1997 - 2002: Educational and business consulting and product development for the FA FUTUREKIDS, computer schools for children

2002 - 2008: Management and educational management of the Ecological Education Center of the MVHS Munich

2008 - 2018: Educational General Management and School Management Elementary and middle school of the school association Emile Montessori School in Neubiberg

2018 - 2024: Department of Climate-Education - Energy Agency Ebersberg / district of Munich

since 2024: Landesagentur für Energie- und Klimaschutz Regensburg


Munich Environmental Prize for "Munich Climate Autumn"

Environmental Award of the community Neubiberg

Environmental School in the district of Munich

Excellent climate school in the district of Ebersberg / district of Munich

Klimaschule Bayern, Auszeichnungen


start-up advice, licensing procedures and pedagogical focus, legal form, network architecture and property search find and bind teachers, marketing, homepage, media, ways to reduce carbon-di

oxid footprint, safe energy in building, increase climate education in cooperation with "Energieagentur Ebersberg-München", funding through EU-Programm or National-Climate-Fond Germany, clim@venture 1.5. - exciting way to explore sustainable change in Europe (Erasmus-Plus-K2-Project). 


Workshops, supervision, counseling, Teacher training at home and abroad, relationship and learning success, organization of self-organized lessons, energy transition in the classroom, environmental and resource management, lesson preparation and self-reflection, social tipping-points, self-determination-theory, the role of non-rational communication for motivation...


coaching, time management, learning technique and learning strategies, reduce test anxiety and concentration training, private tutoring and professional orientation, increase motivation, self-competence-training, exam preparation. 

Refugees and People with fewer opportunities

Searching for or renting living space

Applying for a traineeship or apprenticeship

Preparing for exams

Counselling in social conflicts or to give emotional support

Contacting the job centre, health/family insurance fund

Motivation and possibilities for integration in Germany (e.g. reflection on the perspective of the host country) ·


Montessori Pedagogy, self-organization of lessons & project work, motivation and achievements at school

“failure” – or why mistakes are important (Hochschule der Bundeswehr, Neubiberg) 

Social Tipping-Points: Hochschule München 

Social Tipping-Points and Energy-Transition in Switzerland, Hochschule St. Gallen, Schweiz

Early Childhood-Education: Internationale Hochschule München

"Mit der grünen Brille unterwegs": VHS Ebersberg, Grafing


Free time - hobbies

the word "up-cycling" could have been invented for me! In my free time, I love to develope individual “creations” from supposedly "worthless" waste. I also enjoy cycling and hiking in the mountains.


When travelling, I love to have always "my green glasses" on and I am looking for sustainable projects and inspiring people I could meet on my way.